Thursday, 22 June 2017


    I recently read this book about a little girl living in nazi- germany with foster parents. It shows how major events affects lives on individual level. it tries to shine a light on human's potential at both ends of spectrum . they can be brutal enough to scare death itself & kind enough that even the angel of death thinks they deserved more while shedding tears for them . 
Also the book is narrated by DEATH . .. umm yes the angel of death, the reaper . & its complaining about the over work it had to do during 1938-1945 ( 2nd world war ) 
how it hated plucking life away from innocents buds about blossom , hunting down the roaring youth that are hell bent to take down anything in its way.
 here's one of my favourite quotes from the book
DEATH from book thief by markus zusak :
 I want to explain that i am constantly underestimating or overestimating the human race - that rarely do i simply estimate it . i wanted to ask her that how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious & its words so damning and so brilliant ..
 and in the end our narrator just gives up by saying :

Saturday, 10 June 2017

reflection on my purpose in this world

I am an optimist,most of the time.But everyone and everything has limits.Recently,I was doing some paper work for ending my internship, it got on my nerves (yep the paperwork got on my nerves). 
Reviewing everything i have done,worked my hardest , pushed myself over the edge sometimes and knowing in front of my bosses it will not be enough makes me see myself critically, which is bad. self doubt is always dangerous, avoid it . 
     so my critical self saw me average at my job.The work that i finally can claim to do after 5 long years, is average.It follows a realization may be this isn't my calling.This is not what i am suppose to do.I am an adult,started my professional journey and still don't know who i am,or whats my purpose in this world;other being a background colour,which is noticed only when its gone; a third wheel who stays in shadows.
     For some reason it didn't sound strange, shadows are my comfort zone.I stay there,I like it there.Great thing about background colours , nothing is complete without them.I like to be there for people when they feel down and at there lowest.I like to push them up. I am not at the top & it hurts me sometimes. but rest of the times i know i can help people when they are in the dark pit , i like my role of a ladder who pull people out of the dark pit back into light. 
i hope it doesn't sound like bragging, ranting or some thing bad. because i like to help people that way when they smile with hope . when their eyes gleam with the will to fight and get to there destination & they achieve that position. That's when i feel at the top of the world, and all of the self doubt just vanishes away because yea i am bad at a lot of things & average at others i do things differently mostly wrongly too . but at least there is one thing i am good at & i get paid in best way possible : a precious human smiled because of me.
   to conclude : your calling shouldn't have to be your passion , your work or your major .It doesn't have to be some thing major , something too obvious that everybody can see it. it is definitely not measured by money; it definitely will be something that makes you content inside,it will give you a sense of accomplishment , you don't look at your watch while doing it . you are willing to give it your time. & it can be as  little as making some  one smile.

Saturday, 3 June 2017



Common sense is neither common nor sense. Common sense is a phrase that generally implies something everyone knows; but it's more of a figure of speech.
Usually , it is used as a phrase to belittle someone who has missed an obvious point or solution .It can be rephrased as when someone takes a different course of action than the one preferred by majority , they are told to change it by discouraging their morals; the phrases used are
 "It's common sense" , "don't be stupid" , "that's not how you do it" e.t.c  basically
We humans are the most diverse species on the planet. DNA combines into million different patterns to give all of us a unique trait making each of us an important element in the universe , serving a bigger purpose. 
      Our brains comprehend and understand things differently right down to individual level ; the very reason why scientists are still baffled & perplexed by the phenomenon of human behavior.
   Coming back to common sense, considering we are different at behavioral level which causes our reactions to be different at individual level. Hence , common sense or an obvious reaction to an event is quite improbable to exist.
 Yesterday's common sense often becomes today's nonsense.
Trends practised as a part of norm, reactions considered common sense are now considered wrong or laughed at .
trends such as not educating the female child , not allowing women to vote, vaccines cause diseases e.t.c


Motherhood is Daunting

 MOTHERHOOD IS  DAUNTING One milestone after another it's a roller coaster. Some times as a mother i cry for my past carefree life befor...